Postures of Prayer — Trinity Grace Church

Postures of Prayer

Experiment with employing various postures as you spend time with God in prayer.

Sit with your hands open in front of you and breathe deeply.

Pray Come Holy Spirit and ask God to make it clear that He is near.

Wait for a few moments.

Pay attention to what is on your mind or what you sense in your body. 

Kneel before God and offer Him anything you sense causing anger, worry, frustration, distraction, or sadness in your mind or body.

Ask God to be with you in these challenges and use your faith to practice surrendering them to God.

Go back to sitting down. Breathe and trust that God is with you.

Breathe slowly through this prayer a few times.

Inhale: Abba.

Exhale: I am yours.

Repeat five times or more.

Lift your hands and spend a few moments giving praise to God. Name what you are thankful for.

Pray a prayer of surrender with your hands still raised. 

in Jesus Name. Amen.

Armistead Booker

I’m a visual storyteller, nonprofit champion, moonlighting superhero, proud father, and a great listener.