

Acts of Kindness

"…the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” —Matthew 20:28

We are continuing a response in obedience as a church to intentionally turn outward from ourselves to our neighbors in love. During Lent, we are asking God to specifically direct us in ways to serve, to voluntarily show acts of kindness and love, to meet the needs of those God puts in our path, and to plan to show up for our neighbors.

Jesus gives us the example as one who came to serve and to pour his life out for others. Let join together in union with Jesus to serve as the Holy Spirit leads us this Lent. We will be sharing more resources and opportunities to serve over the coming weeks.

Armistead Booker

I’m a visual storyteller, nonprofit champion, moonlighting superhero, proud father, and a great listener.