renewing our minds and hearts for god's kingdom
Our teaching as a church follows the seasons of the historic church calendar as well as a vision for discipleship we have developed as a church. We believe this helps unite us with a shared vision for how God is at work to bring renewal to our city and the role we are invited to play. Weekly teaching is contextualized specifically for our church and context in Brooklyn. Explore the archives and subscribe to our podcast.
Explore by Topic
- Acts
- Advent
- Beatitudes
- Christmas
- Colossians
- Corinthians
- Easter
- Eastertide
- Ephesians
- Epiphany
- Exodus
- Ezekiel
- Genesis
- Habakkuk
- Hebrews
- Holy Spirit
- Isaiah
- James
- Jeremiah
- John
- Jonah
- Kings
- Lent
- Luke
- Mark
- Matthew
- Numbers
- Ordinary Time
- Pentecost
- Peter
- Philippians
- Prayer
- Proverbs
- Psalms
- Revelation
- Romans
- Samuel
- Spiritual Practices
- Staytreat
- Summer
- Thessalonians
- Timothy
- Vision
- Zachariah
Explore by Speaker
- 2023
- 2024
- 2025
- Barb Augustin
- Caleb Clardy
- Cory Morgan
- David Louw
- Dimetra Barrios
- Edwin Colon
- Ele Mumford
- Emily Meier
- Filled with the Spirit | Meditations on the Ministry of the Holy Spirit
- Friends of God
- Genevieve Smith
- Jackie Griffin
- Jason Locy
- Jesus' Words to His Friends
- John Mark Comer
- Jon Tyson
- Josh Staton
- Joy Complete
- Joy Complete: Jesus' Words to His Friends
- Lent
- Light of the World
- Living the Resurrection
- Liza Louw
- Logan Meier
- Looking For the Arrival of God
- Michael Castillejos
- Michael Rudzena
- Oh Bright Longing
- Once & Future
- Patrick Boatwright
- Pete Hughes
- Praying the Resurrection
- Praying with Jesus
- Raymond Ramos
- Robert Guerrero
- Seth Bazacas
- Streams of Water
- The Crown of Life
- The Names of God
- The Neighbor Who Was Jesus
- Tyler Staton
- Vision For Life
- Vision Sundays
- Walking the Way of Jesus
- Zac Martin
Teaching Archives
Looking for more teaching content from Trinity Grace Park Slope? Our complete audio archives are available from 2011 through today.