“‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’” (Matthew 2:6)
During Epiphany we explore how to live more fully and everyday in the long promised light of the coming of Jesus Christ. We invite you to participate in our Sunday in-person gathering, online worship broadcast, and listen to our podcast.
Caleb Clardy, founding pastor at Trinity Grace Church, teaches from John 6:1-14 on the Last Sunday After the Epiphany, speaking in Park Slope on February 27, 2022.
Caleb Clardy, founding pastor at Trinity Grace Church, teaches from John 5:1-18 on the Seventh Sunday After the Epiphany, speaking in Park Slope on February 20, 2022.
Caleb Clardy, founding pastor at Trinity Grace Church, teaches from John 4:1-42 on the Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany, speaking in Park Slope on February 13, 2022.
Jacquelyn Griffin, elder at Trinity Grace Church, teaches from John 3:1-21 on the Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany, speaking in Park Slope on February 6, 2022.
Caleb Clardy, founding pastor at Trinity Grace Church, teaches on the Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany, speaking in Park Slope on January 30, 2022.
Caleb Clardy, founding pastor at Trinity Grace Church, teaches from John 2:1-12 on the Third Sunday After the Epiphany, speaking in Park Slope on January 23, 2022.
Caleb Clardy, founding pastor at Trinity Grace Church, teaches from Matthew 3:1-13 on the Second Sunday After the Epiphany, speaking in Park Slope on January 16, 2022.
Caleb Clardy, founding pastor at Trinity Grace Church, teaches from Matthew 2:1-15 on the First Sunday After the Epiphany, speaking in Park Slope on January 9, 2022.
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