August 18: Yahweh

About this Video


Caleb Clardy, Founding Pastor at Trinity Grace Church, teaches on the thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost speaking in Park Slope on August 18, 2024.

This service is contextualized specifically for our church in the Park Slope neighborhood and our local congregation.

We invite you to engage in our weekly in-person worship on Sundays (10:30am ET). You can also watch every weekend on-demand or listen to our podcast.

in this broadcast

  • Call to Worship

  • Song

  • Confession and Assurance of Pardon

  • Generosity + Greeting Time

  • Announcements

  • Teaching Text

  • Ministry of the Word

  • Communion

  • Song

  • Song

  • Benediction

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The Fullness

Ephesians is a community’s guide for comprehending and responding to Heaven and Earth coming together.