March 6: Working Together — Trinity Grace Church

March 6: Working Together

Dear families,

Can you believe it’s March?! Even more wild than the warm / cold weather this week, it’s astonishing to think of where we all were two years ago just before our collective lives changed at a dizzying pace.

This month is the start of Lent… a season of preparation, repentance, patience, and reflection as we take the journey towards Good Friday and Easter Sunday. This is also the beginning of new themes in our classes. Our preschoolers are learning about our friendship with Jesus (and I’ll write more about that next week).

Meanwhile, our elementary kiddos are exploring the topic of cooperation: “working together to do more than you can do alone.” I like that definition. It seems to me like a fitting and poignant opportunity for us to consider how much cooperation has played a significant role in our lives throughout the pandemic.

We all had to learn valuable lessons about what it takes to be part of a community, even when we couldn’t be all together in one room. We likely learned more than we ever imagined about the importance of public health, which at the end of the day is, in fact, all about how we work together for a greater good. And in our family life, cooperation has been all the more sweet / challenging / exhausting / memorable as we’ve spent so much time together at home.

Cooperation is a spiritual concept that originates with God. God created us to work together in a community. (True to His word, we’re made in God’s own image… the original community: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.) Throughout the Bible, we see how God brought people together to accomplish something big for Him. When we work together, we reflect what Jesus envisioned for His followers. Our love for one another can point people to Him.

That is indeed a hopeful vision for our lives. I encourage you to take a few quiet minutes this week (because that’s all the precious minutes you’ve got, am I right?) and reflect on this season of Lent, the past two years, the idea of cooperation, and how much God loves you. Perhaps have a conversation with your family about it, too. I pray that it will be a fruitful and encouraging moment for you!

With love,
Miss Elisa

This week’s preschool episode

  • All month, our preschoolers are learning with Miss Elisa that Jesus wants to be our friend forever.

  • Today we get to hear the story of Andrew, Peter, James, and John (Matthew 4:18-22; Luke 5:1-11)... and focus on how Jesus says, “follow me.”

  • Practice our preschool memory verse: “Come and follow me,” Jesus said (Matthew 4:19).

This week’s Elementary Episode

  • This month, our elementary kiddos are exploring with Miss Elisa that cooperation is working together to do more than you can do alone.

  • Today's story is all about building the Tabernacle (Exodus 25:8-9; 28:1-3; 31:1-11; 35:21-34; 39:42-43) and that God wants us to work together.

  • Practice our elementary memory verse: Two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do (Ecclesiastes 4:9).

This week’s So and So episode

  • Every week, you can watch The So and So Show on-demand. It's a great way to revisit the elementary story and life application from Kids Worship during the middle of your week as a family.

  • In this week's episode: John, Brandon, Stephen, and Kellen explore the key question: When have you seen people work together?

Armistead Booker

I’m a visual storyteller, nonprofit champion, moonlighting superhero, proud father, and a great listener.