
Worship Together

sundays — 10:30am ET — in-person and online

William Alexander Middle School 51 / 350 5th Avenue at 4th Street / Brooklyn


Joining God in the Renewal of All Things

Sunday August 29 — Worship for Everyone (5pm)
Kids Worship available
on-demand all day


We are looking forward to many opportunities to be together this summer, including indoor worship events with childcare, unhurried hang outs in the park, and a special staytreat in August. Register to participate and invite your friends!


Grow Together

You are invited to join our church community this summer as we practice being in God’s presence, growing to become like Jesus, and living a life of active love in the Holy Spirit. Make it a priority to explore these practical daily resources.



Our vision as a church is to join God in the renewal of all things. Explore opportunities to get involved, even from a distance.

Join a Group

Building new routines and pursuing meaningful connections with God together are life-giving, faith-building practices.

kids Digital Lab

Check out our experimental space especially for kids. Find new ways to share God’s love in our families.


The pandemic has been a painful experience for all, so we continue to love our neighbors and serve together.

Pray with US

We believe that God hears us when we pray. We have weekly groups of women and men that meet for prayer.

Spiritual Practices

Look for how each inhale and exhale spiritual practice can bear the fruit of His kingdom in your life and in the city.


Counselors can help us navigate a variety of challenges and provide a safe place for processing these issues.

Family programs

Family is at the heart of our work as a church. Explore our programs for children (Babies—Grade 5) and youth (Grades 6-12).

Email Updates

Receive our monthly emails with announcements from Trinity Grace, upcoming events, and opportunities.

We respect your privacy and know that you care how information about you is used.


Give to Trinity Grace

We give with joyful hearts as a confession that we trust God as our provider. It is our privilege to extending His love to others. You can give one time or setup a recurring gift. Thank you.