Formation: Become Like Jesus
When we believe the gospel and walk in the way of Jesus, we are changed at the level of our identity (who we are), our desires (what we want) and our rhythms (how we live). But how do we actually change? Dallas Willard describes three components of transformation:
Vision: we have a picture of where were are going
Intention: we commit to the process in love
Means: we have a life we practice in community
Scroll down for recommended practices and resources to grow through formation in your life.
Following the way of jesus
Vision: Much attention is rightly paid to Jesus’ death and resurrection but his life also speaks very loudly. He modeled what a flourishing life in union with God looks like. He came declaring that the Kingdom of God is available here and now and inviting people to follow him into life that is truly abundant. The call of Jesus is not simply to believe the right things but to live according to his way and experience life that is truly abundant.
Intention: Spiritual practices are access points where we can live in and learn the way of Jesus. Take a closer look at some of the individual shared spiritual practices we have explored as a church in recent years. Consider how each “inhale” and “exhale” practice can bear the fruit of His kingdom in your life and in the city.
with the people of jesus
Means: We don’t follow Jesus alone. It’s something we do in community with God’s people. In fact, choosing to live in community is itself a powerfully formative spiritual practice. There may be no more meaningful commitment you could make to your formation in Christ than finding a group to grow with in your life.
Join a Group
Find a place to know and be known. We have starter groups, life groups, and prayer groups that meet weekly both in-person and online.
Groups Guide
A weekly companion guide for our teaching series is designed to foster discussion, study, and prayer, especially in a group setting.
“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”
Download our workbook
This guide can help you make a plan to follow Jesus in your everyday life. In this PDF, you will find some diagnostic questions and thoughts to help get you started in making a Presence, Formation & Love Plan.
You can also pickup a print version of this workbook at our in-person Sunday gatherings. Questions? Contact us.