Say Yes to Hospitality

Team Leader: Ally Colandrea

The Hospitality Team sets the tone for Sunday worship gatherings and other church events by creating a space where everyone feels welcome, seen, and encouraged when they walk in the door. We also connect visitors and regular attendees to the answers, resources, and support they need during their time with Trinity Grace.



Say yes to...

opening doors
new faces
breaking bread
early mornings
knowing names
seeing people



our team goals

We aim to create a friendly and inviting atmosphere that lifts spirits and breaks down barriers, allowing everyone to more fully connect with Jesus.

Our neighbors come from a wide range of backgrounds and preconceived notions about church and God. At Trinity Grace, we want each individual to encounter rest and healing in God's love... and that starts with a culture of presence and hospitality.


what to expect

Our team supports the Sunday worship gatherings each week: before, during, and after the service. Each week, you can expect to help in a variety of ways:

  • pray together as a team before the service and discuss any important logistics

  • setup and teardown of tables, materials, signage, communion, offering, and refreshments

  • wear a lanyard (and a smile) to welcome attendees and answer any questions

  • serve coffee and tea at our Coffee Bar before the worship service in the Lobby

  • setup and teardown Coffee Hour and intentionally meet newcomers

  • assist the TGC staff to make the service logistics go as smoothly as possible


all about your role

Your Role: Service Host

Schedule: One Sunday per month

Timing: 9:00am—2:00pm (including attending the worship service)

Commitment: Year round


  • participate in one 30-minute training session on your first Sunday as a team member

  • sign-up for one or more Sundays per month to participate in specific roles on the team (you can either select the same Sunday each month or pick any random week as your schedule allows)

  • confirm your availability on the team calendar each month and cancel in advance / swap with another week

  • ability to participate in moderate physical activity (moving heavy boxes, setting up tables, etc)

  • demonstrate a heart for serving the Trinity Grace community and welcoming our visitors

Weekly Duties

  • setup connect table materials, offering table, communion stations, offering table materials, prayer team materials, signage (indoor and outdoor), volunteer team breakfast, and coffee bar / coffee hour refreshments

  • reserve back rows of auditorium for families with infants and toddlers

  • wear a hospitality lanyard, distribute bulletins, welcome attendees, direct visitors to seats / kids ministry / restrooms, and answer any questions

  • run the Coffee Bar serving coffee and tea to guests before the service

  • supervise the Coffee Hour and help the hosting life group with supplies and questions

  • assist TGC staff in counting weekly offering after the service

  • teardown communion stations, prayer team materials, reserved seating, offering table, connect table, signage, coffee bar / coffee hour

  • take note of any supplies that are running low, not available, or broken in our church storage area

Occasional Duties

  • serve on the Hospitality team at special events, worship nights, workshops, and retreats at least once per year

  • join occasional team dinners and meetings throughout the year

Ready to join?

Each of our volunteer teams give you opportunities to connect, learn, and grow as an integral part of our church family. It's time to say yes to finding your place!



We want to answer your questions as you consider doing our team. No question is too small or too big. We look forward to hearing from you.


Say Yes

Find out more ways you can participate in a volunteer team!