meeting highlights
Friday, January 24, 2019 | Greenwood Chapel
Explore the audio and notes from our Members Meeting that included our ongoing vision, goals for the new year, a discussion of community dynamics, a financial update, important asks for this season, and upcoming events in the life of our church.
the new year and our ongoing vision
Caleb shared about reflecting on his goals for the new year and recognizing that when it comes to our church, we don’t need a shiny new vision to run after every year. God has already given us the vision, we just need his empowerment as we continue to walk in it.
Presence / God, let us know and enjoy your presence every day
Formation / God, help us grow to be like Jesus
Love / God, help us to be tangible expressions of your love
Caleb shared a series of ‘Can you imagine?’ ideas about our future. We encourage you to listen to the audio as you are able.
elder goals
Over the last couple of months, the elders have been praying and talking about goals for 2020. They were summarized in the meeting.
Complete three-year discipleship plan
Turn outwards
Complete a test run of The Seconds Course
Develop new leaders: elders, deacons, group leaders
Ensure every committed participant in our church has an opportunity to follow Jesus in community
Grow as a praying church: in consistency, in faith, using all the gifts
Re-establish a regular moment in our Sunday gatherings that reinforces our discipleship culture through prayer and storytelling
Achieve our giving goals as an expression of growing in generosity
Strengthen staff communication protocols, particularly for care needs
Caleb also shared details about upcoming events that are in response to these goals:
The Seconds Course
Come Holy Spirit: An Evening with John and Ele Mumford
Lent / Eastertide / Pentecost
discussioN: getting to know one another
We discussed the dynamic that there are so many newer participants in our community right now and we need to make a concerted effort to building new friendships and getting to know one another. We opened a discussion among the members of how we might do that.
financial update
Josh Staton shared a detailed financial update for 2019–2020.
2019 Income / Expenses
2019 Congregational Giving Received: $1,262,644
Christmas Offering: $84,488
External Contributions: $46,799
Total Expenses: $1,306,495
Net Income: $87,436
Financial Position as of december 31, 2019
Working Capital (including Christmas Offering): $340,407
Other Assets: $9,018
Total Equity as of 12/31/19: $349,425
Average of 130 households contributing per month
95 of those households have ongoing giving schedules accounting for 43.8% of our parish budget
As best we can tell, roughly 750 people are participating in the life of our community at some frequency (approx 550 adults; 200 kids and youth)
Average weekly attendance last year was around 445 (355 adults; 90 children and youth)
142 adult members
2020 Giving Goals
Increase average givers per month from 130 to 150
Increase portion of budget covered by scheduled giving from 42% to 50%
Reach our Congregational Giving target of $1,170,000
2020 Budget
Community Life / Discipleship / Ministries 64%
Mission / Benevolence 17%
Facilities / Admin 19%
upcoming events
Please mark your calendar for these important upcoming church-wide events. If you’re interested in volunteering for any of these dates, contact us.
Jan 26 -- Mercy + Justice Course starts
Feb 1/8/15/22 -- Don’t Walk By
Feb 4 -- The Seconds Course starts
Feb 12 -- Come Holy Spirit with Mumfords
Feb 21-23 -- Youth Winter Retreat
Feb 26 -- Ash Wednesday
Mar 14 -- Parent Well Conference
Mar 22 -- Financial Equipping Course
Apr 4 -- Easter Egg Hunt
Apr 5-11 -- Holy Week
Apr 12 -- Easter Sunday
Apr 21 -- Alpha starts
May 3 -- Membership Course starts
May 29 -- Members Meeting
Action Steps
Nominations of Elders and Deacons
Please send in nominations for new elder and deacon candidates over the next month. Deacon roles include: Group Care, Prayer, Benevolence, and Justice.Get ready for The Seconds Course
Join us as a participant, volunteer as a host, and invite a friend from Trinity Grace for the pilot offering of our new discipleship course.Join us in Generosity
We invite you to pray about how to help meet the needs of our city and of the world and to commit ourselves to an ethic of generosity. You can give one time or setup a recurring gift.Mark your calendar for the Mumfords
Don’t miss our worship gathering on Sunday, February 9 and Holy Spirit equipping event on Wednesday, February 12 with John and Ele Mumford.Participate in our Shared Spiritual Practices
We are asking our whole church to join in our shared practices of intercession and mercy + justice for this season and walk in the way of Jesus.