The Church Sent, Scattered, and Staying Put

April 19—May 24, 2020

The reactions to the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the movement that grew from his followers ranges all across the spectrum of emotions and circumstances, from the curious to the violently opposed. As we consider our own time of unique challenges to life as we have known it, we can draw a lot from the stories of the early church’s first steps in a new world and the resistance they experienced. We are challenging everyone in our church to use the season of Eastertide to join a group to follow Jesus with and to use this series as a place to start.


find a Group

In these strange and difficult times, it is as important as ever that we are walking with God in community. Use these six weeks to find a group to practice the way of Jesus. During the Eastertide series, we will be sharing themes to consider, discussion questions, supplemental resources, and shared practices for groups to explore each week.

shared practices

In each season, we commit ourselves to shared spiritual practices as a church. This spring, we will be exploring Sabbath as our “inhale” practice and Compassion as our “exhale” practice. Join in our shared spiritual practices and look for how God will use them to bear the fruit of His kingdom in your life and our city.


Explore the series

Caleb Clardy, founding pastor of Trinity Grace, teaches from the New Testament during Eastertide 2020 in our series “Resurrection in Place: The Church Sent, Scattered, and Staying Put.” Watch the sermon videos during our live broadcast or on-demand and subscribe to our weekly audio podcast.


love in action

In times like these, we have a unique opportunity to demonstrate the love of God to our neighbors at a time when so many are disconnected and vulnerable. We are gathering ideas for being good neighbors, and of opportunities to love and serve those most deeply affected across our city.

Explore the groups Guide

If you are a group leader, or want to get a preview of the weekly content, you can browse this guide. Please note: this content is designed to be fully explored in the context of your group.

Questions? We’re Here to Help

Our deacons and pastoral staff are ready to answer your questions and help connect you to our community. No question is too small or too big. We look forward to hearing from you.