a reading plan for your life

The Daily Office Lectionary is a series of readings drawn from The Book of Common Prayer (1979 version) used by the Christian church worldwide, especially in Anglican and Episcopalian communities.



How it works

Over the course of a two year cycle, you can cover a significant portion of the Bible with daily readings comprised of passages from the Psalms, Old Testament, New Testament, and the Gospels.

These pre-assigned, scheduled readings give you the opportunity to join Christians across the world and over the generations in a shared meditation on the Scriptures.


Mobile App

We recommend the English Standard Version (ESV) Bible app (or the ESV website) to setup an interactive reading plan with the Daily Office Lectionary. It requires a free account which will allow you to track your readings, create bookmarks, and record personal notes.

ESV is available for both iOS and Android phones and tablets.