A Thrill of Hope, The Weary World Rejoices

Thursday, December 24 / 5–6pm ET

You’re invited to our online broadcast as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with our annual family worship gathering on Christmas Eve. The service celebrates the miraculous birth of Christ with beloved carols and readings, plus a time to connect via Zoom. Settle into your sofa, warm up your vocal chords, bring along your favorite festive beverages and treats, and join us! Invite your friends, family, and neighbors: all are welcome.

As a turbulent 2020 draws to a close, we want to invite you to celebrate the Christmas story with us. If we’re honest, we’ve got mixed feelings coming into this festive season. Pain and disappointment from the year; as well as questions over what 2021 might hold.

But God reminds us, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (John 1:5) So as we gather for Christmas in a way entirely unlike any before, it’s our prayer that you would experience this light and a love that says: "I’m with you and I’m for you."

How to Participate

Meeting ID: 848 9722 5573
Passcode: Brooklyn

One tap mobile:
+16468769923,,84897225573# US (New York)

Dial in for audio only:
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

You can download Zoom on your computer or phone and create a free account if you do not already have it. Or, if you prefer, you can use the phone number provided to call-in from your phone for an audio-only connection.

What to Expect

5:00pm ET / We start on Zoom with an informal time of sharing Christmas stories and traditions and a Christmas sweater contest with prizes. Everyone will be muted initially, but we will invite you to unmute and share stories and comments throughout this time. Bring along your favorite festive beverage and treat to enjoy!

5:30pm ET / Then we will present the Christmas Eve service broadcast via Zoom with carols and readings from all across Brooklyn, so you can join in from home. So top off your beverage and cozy up for festive fun!

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Watch Live Stream

In addition to Zoom, you can also watch our live stream of the Christmas Eve service starting at 5:30pm ET on our website, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can also watch on-demand on your own schedule starting Thursday, December 24.


Kids Celebration

Our family ministry team is excited to share a special on-demand Christmas Celebration to enjoy with the whole family on your own schedule starting Thursday, December 24. We are also releasing an on-demand worship experience for Sunday, December 27.


advent events and resources

Advent is a time of longing and expectation for the coming of Christ to heal and renew the world. Join our church family for weekly online worship, group gatherings, service opportunities, devotionals, and more.


Our deacons and pastoral staff are ready to answer your questions and help connect you to our community. No question is too small or too big. We look forward to hearing from you. Contact us »