24 Hours of Fasting and Prayer for NYC
Wednesday, April 7 (7pm) — Thursday, April 8 (7pm)
Join us LIVE via Zoom on Thursday, April 9 (4–5pm)
Dear Church Family,
Today and tomorrow we will be joining churches from across our city to fast and pray. You're invited to join in with us as we ask God to roll back the tide of this disease, for healing, for miracles of provision, for protection and care for the vulnerable, for endurance and wisdom for our medical professionals and leaders, and ultimately for spiritual awakening in Christ name.
As we press towards an unprecedented Easter in our lifetime, we have a chance to join with other believers in our city to love our neighbors through fasting and intercession and to implement the victory of Jesus through suffering love. May this Easter we truly know the power of the Resurrection of Jesus all across our city!
Complete details are below. Love to you all and thank you for your faith and courage in this time!
How to Participate
Set aside this 24-hour block of time to fast. If you cannot fast for the whole day, perhaps set aside a meal. There is something amazing and powerful about combining fasting and prayer as a way to pray with our whole selves, with our mind, heart, and body. Scripture tells us fasting and prayer combined can be used to break strongholds and mark critical moments in our lives.
Pray as you can throughout the day (Wednesday 7pm to Thursday 7pm). You can pray with Trinity Grace Park Slope for the hour we are specifically responsible for as a church: Thursday, April 9 (4–5pm).
Pray on Zoom
You can join with us to pray as a church on Thursday (4pm) using this Zoom link and password below. We will have some guided time to pray together.
What to Pray For
Primary Topics
Here are a few things we are praying for. Feel free to add to this list.
Stopping the spread of COVID-19
Healing for the sick
Protection and care for the most vulnerable
Endurance, health, and wisdom for our first responders, medical professionals, and those on the front lines of care
Provision for those losing jobs and income — the deep economic impact of this crisis
Wisdom and grace for our leaders and public policy makers
Spiritual awakening in Jesus' name
Miracles of Provision
This is one way to redeem watching the news. These needs are changing daily, but here are few categories of needs and things to pray for in the area of needed provision and intercession.
Shortage of medicine (albuterol, antivirals, antibiotics, sedatives)
3.3 million N95 masks (which protect health care workers from exposure to the virus)
2.1 million surgical masks
100,000 isolation gowns
400 additional ventilators
65,000 additional hospital beds
James P. O’Neill (NYC appointee in charge of operations and logistics)
Lowered death toll currently projected from 16,000 in New York State and 13,000 in New York City
Our Church Family
We have at least 24 churches joining us in prayer and fasting, which means all the hours of the day and night will covered. Here are some of the churches currently involved in Citywide Prayer:
59th Street Lutheran Brethren Church
Apostles Church NYC
Bridge Community Church
Church of the City
Connection Church
Covenant Church of the Heights
Crossroads Christian Church Bay Ridge
Good Shepherd New York
Hope Church Chelsea
Hope Church East Village
Liberty Church
Recovery House of Worship
Resurrection Presbyterian
Sanctuary Church NYC
St. John the Evangelist Lutheran Church
Trinity Grace Church Park Slope
Trinity Grace Church Westside
Trinity Grace Church Williamsburg
Wellspring Church NYC
“And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”
“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”