chosen, holy, and dearly loved

Our children's ministry, TGC Kids, are delighted to welcome new families into our church community and we seek to provide a loving and safe atmosphere for you and your baby as they grow up.

We support parents as the primary disciple-makers and believe in the power of the discipleship through community, with church as family, helping children shape their character to be more like that of Christ.



what to expect on sundays

NOTE: We do not have in-person worship gatherings at this time.

Parents with infants or toddlers are welcome to participate together in our weekly worship service on Sundays 10:30am at Middle School 51 (350 5th Avenue at 4th Street).

  • We have reserved seating and stroller parking in the back of the Auditorium so you can quickly exit into the Lobby as needed.

  • We also have a dedicated Babies Room with rocking chairs, changing station, and a speaker to hear the service. Moms and Dads are both welcome in this space. Stroller parking is available right outside of this room.

  • Unfortunately, the restrooms at Middle School 51 are not equipped with baby changing stations.

  • Childcare is not available for ages 0-12 months. Our TGC Kids program begins at 12+ months.


Get Involved

As a new family, here are some great ways you can participate in the life of our church community:

  • Become a Babies Room Host
    If you’re interested in helping setup and teardown the Babies Room on Sunday mornings, provide food, and welcome newcomers, please let us know.

  • Mommies of Brooklyn
    Our invite-only Facebook group for young mothers is a helpful way to connect with other families.

  • Organize a Meal Train
    If you know a family getting ready to welcome a newborn, please let us know so we can help you organize a meal train with our church community.


Parent Cue

We want to help your baby reach their full potential and support the amazing things you do together as a family.

We recommend the Parent Cue app to help you do something fun and practical with your baby each week so you can grow deeper together in your faith.


Phase Guides

Make the most of every phase in your child's life with Phase Guides, an 18-part book series from the team behind the Parent Cue app and our TGC Kids curriculum. These concise, interactive journals help prompt you to give your child the things they need most this year to build their faith and character.

Stop by the TGC Kids Check-In Table on Sundays to thumb through the guides for yourself and ask our team questions about how to use the series with your family.


child Dedication

We celebrate with parents as they welcome a new child and gather as a church family to witness their solemn commitment to raise their child in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

We host this ceremony several times throughout the year. Register your family to participate. Here are upcoming events:

If there are no upcoming sessions available, please check back on this page for future events.

More information 

For more information or questions, contact Elisa Booker, Pastor of Children and Families, or Danielle Swink, Preschool Coordinator. Let us know how we can serve you!